Patiala was a Sikh state in the Punjab. It was one of the Phiulkian sardars that had made peace with the British and so were allowed to continue. What to do when the Prince notices his states best girls being kidnapped and his neighboring cousin Prince rapidly expanding his harem. Call in Sherlock Holmes. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.
This stamp is for official use in Patiala. The low denomination, 1/2 Anna = .004 of an American penny in todays money, implies local mail. Wonder what the ratio of bills to commendations directed at his people from the Prince?
Todays stamp is issue O8 an official stamp issued by the Sikh feudal state of Patiala. It was a 14 stamp overprint of a British India issue featuring King George VI. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents used.
What became Patiala started as a village formed by a Sikh family castout. He was cast out for following another Guru. Thus the states in the area were separate though the ruling family were branches of the same family. The town took the name Patiala while under Baba Ala Singh who expanded his territory and rejuvenated the ancient Mubarak Fort. He was having constant battles with Afghans and Marathas and made a self defense treaty with the British East India Company.

In the 1920s Patiala’s Prince was having a problem with his cousin ruling Nabha. His police officers were being harassed in Nabha and more importantly young women were disappearing only to reappear in the Nabha Prince’s harem. Things were getting quite hostile between them and that was quite dangerous for their continued existence. The British had a rule regarding the feudal states called the Doctrine of Lapse. If an area lacked a direct heir or the ruler was deemed manifestly incompetent, the state would revert to British India. Gosh, that is a doctrine that needs to make a comeback.
Patiala petitioned to a Sikh council called the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak. They got no satisfaction there so it was referred to the British Indian courts. Their enquiry found that Patiala’s accusations were true. They forced the Prince of Nabha to abdicate and took over the states administration. There are some that thought that Patiala had more popularity with the British as a Patiala polo star was playing in Britain and winning championships.

In 1947 Patiala was the first feudal Prince to sign the Instrument of Accession to the new independent Union of India. In return, he was named the areas first governor.
Well my drink is empty. I checked and Patiala Prince Singh had 10 wives, numerous consorts and a a whopping 88 children. Wonder where he got his harem? Come again tomorrow when there will be another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.