
Luxembourg 2001, heres hoping the new currency works out

Here is something that is somewhat rare on a modern European stamp. The idea that something new is coming and it will be great. What a challenging undertaking the Euro currency was. If it failed, the old currencies would have reemerged at a much lower rate and everyone would be poorer. If it worked, Europe would have a potential rival to the United States Dollar and with it more equal status. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

It is said that great minds think alike. A while back we did a 1980s stamp from Saint Vincent, that promoted their then new Carribean currency union. See This is almost the exact issue with denominations of the stamp coordinated with the new coin on the stamp. In Saint Vincent, there was controversy of political leaders galivanting around in negotiation while the people suffered. The mood was captured in the Johnny Cash song, “Joshua gone Barbadoes” see By the time of the Euro’s introduction in 2002, Johnny Cash was older so Luxembourg Prime Minister Werner’s travels went unsung. Too bad.

Todays stamp is issue A437, a 1 Euro/40 Luxembourg Franc stamp issued by the Grand Dutchy of Luxembourg on October 1st, 2001. During the last days of the old currency it was fixed to the new Euro. It was a 6 stamp issue in various denominations. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth $1.75 cents used.

The European Economic Community had long had a goal of a single currency. This would be difficult to achieve as the different countries often persued different monetary policies and joining a single currency would take away some of the ability to do that. In 1970, French President De Gaulle pulled out of the talks as they were not getting anywhere. Luxembourg Prime Minister Pierre Werner convinced him to return and France then convinced all the countries to charge Prime Minister Werner with putting together a proposal on how a single currency could be achieved in 10 years. Werner proposed that countries would initiate a series of economic reforms that would bring their policies more in line with West Germany. The legacy currencies would then be fixed at a rate verses the new Euro and the new currency would exist in terms of wire transactions for a few years before the actual currency hit the street.

Werner’s proposal was followed quite closely but only many years later. Time must be allotted for politicions to go to Barbadoes and stay at the big hotel. Johnny Cash had that part right. Prime Minister Werner did live to see his currency become a reality, he died in 2002 at the age of 88.

For the most part, the currency has been a success. It has proved difficult to bring poorer countries in as they are more likely to be incapable of sticking to the dictates of the currency authority and the result is a shortage of money there. This is predictable and was also true with the early days of the USA Dollar in places like Appalachia. The Euro came on in 2002 at a rate of $1.16 per Euro and as of today sits at $1.11 per Euro. As a comparison, the Chinese Juan went from $.12 to $.14 cents in the same period.

Well my drink is empty and I will pour another to toast Prime Minister Werner. He must have been frustrated to find his proposal took so long to implament. Perhaps getting invited to all the conferances and staying in the big hotel made up for it. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Spain 1980, honoring postal as well as Royal heritage

One of the issues facing modern stamp issues is an overabundance of issues that look backward instead of forward. This is probably related to a sense in the western world that the future will be worse than the past. Some times the look back can be making a current point. Like Spanish King Juan Carlos seeing that his unpopular grandfather King Alfonso VIII is treated respectfully on a stamp after the Royal nightmare of Franco and Republicans was over. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Todays stamp was produced to honor the 1980 EXFILNA stamp collecting exposition held that year in Barcelona. It was the 50th anniversary of the first national stamp exposition that was also in Barcelona. To mark the anniversary, it was decided to show 50 year before King Alfonso visiting the first exposition. This is where the politics entered in. King Alfonso was about to abdicate in 1930 after a long but lousy rule. Republicans had won local elections discrediting the King’s favored conservative prime minister. The army then rebelled but the civil war that followed was won by Francisco Franco who was not interested in restoring the Royals. King Alfonso and his heirs had to watch this from Italian exile. After Franco’s death, Alfonso’s grandson King Juan Carlos I was Franco’s chosen successor as head of state and restoring the Royal line. This is what is really being celebrated on this stamp. The stamp exposition is a clever way to slip unpopular grandfather back on a stamp without creating a ruckus.

The stamp today is issue A575, a 5 Peseta stamp issued by the Kingdom of Spain on July 1st, 1980. It was a single stamp issue. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents whether it is mint or used.

King Alfonso XIII ascended the throne upon  his birth as he was born posthumously after his fathers death. It is said he was presented as a baby naked on a silver platter to the then Prime Minister.’ Lucky for him this did not happen in one of Spain’s African colonies. See During his childhood, Spain was ruled by a Regency headed by his Austrian mother. The Regency went badly as Spain lost the Spanish American War and with it the Empires last footholds in the Americas and Asia. When Alfonso was actually in power the empire calamities continued much closer to home in Morocco with the costly Rif war see. The wars were also expensive and required large armies manned by peasants for whom the economic situation was not improving fast enough. Even the genius of staying neutral in World War I was not enough to restore his popularity. His marriage to an English Princess was unhappy since he resented that she had passed her families’ hemophilia to his sons. He fathered 5 children out of wedlock in addition to his legitimate 4 children.

Franco was not interested in reestablishing the Monarchy during his long rule. The Royals had been on the Right side of politics but many in his movement supported a rival pretender Royal line. Franco also wanted to keep the power for himself. The Royal line still formally claimed the title and continued reaching out to Franco. A Royal married Franco’s granddaughter and the young royals were allowed to be educated in Spain. As Franco aged he ignored the in place royal line and installed Alfonso’s grandson Juan Carlos as heir apparent. He hoped for loyalty to his movement but once in power the King followed a more middle of the road course. He appointed more liberal ministers to replace Franco’s people and supported pro democracy reforms. At the same time he maintained a conservative image that allowed for a certain continuity. To his credit, over time he backed away from politics and was thought by most as a positive, stabilizing influence in Spain.

The stamp expositions are still an annual event in Spain. There is often a unique stamp issue that is available to buy only within the Exposition. The issues are often more valuable than regular issues but the fact of stamp collecting is that it is impossible to buy a stamp when issued and have it be life changingly valuable in your lifetime. If you are lucky though the value might keep up with inflation. Todays stamp did even worse that that. No love for King Alfonso outside the family?

Well my drink is empty and I will pour another to celebrate the annual EXFILNA stamp shows in Spain. Long may they continue. Come again after Christmas for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting. Happy Holidays.


South Africa 1966, A tiny minority can go it alone because they have diamonds, but do they?

Apartheid South Africa thought they could  break off from Britain and the whole world because of the wealth created by diamonds. How well though did they really control it? So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

The aesthetics of the stamp tell a powerful story with a simple rendering of a diamond. There is a version of the stamp with the country name in English so as not to crowd out the image with superfluous text as with some bilingual Canadian stamps. This stamp recognized the 5th anniversary of the formal declaring of a white republic and the end of British Commonwealth and Dominion status. The issue included a view of Table Mountain, to show beauty, corn to show self sufficiency, a flying bird to show the freedoms enjoyed by the white minority, but the most interesting one to me is the majestic view given to the diamond. To have the view that rule by a small minority was sustainable, what better than show a source of unending wealth. How well though was the diamond resource controlled? Perhaps less directly than the stamp implies.

Todays stamp is issue A126 a one cent stamp issued by the Republic of South Africa on May 31st, 1966. It was part 8 stamp issue in vaious denominations celebrating the 5th anniversary of the unilateral declaration of republic status. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents.

Diamonds were first mined in South Africa in the colonial period after being discovered by Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes was a homosexual and therefore lacked heirs who could run the operation after his death. Into the void came a mining engineer named Oppenheimer that had emigrated from Germany and invested in the De Beers operation. He converted to Anglican and started the Anglo- American mining that merged with de Beers. By then the de Beers operation controlled 90 percent of the worlds diamond mining. In addition to Southern African production, they bought the output of other producers and routed the output through a system of diamond cutters in Israel. The spread out structure of the operation allowed de Beers to get around sanctions. To the Israelis it was a Jewish concern, opposed to Apartheid and employing many blacks. To London operations, the diamonds were coming from Israel. De Beers was 10 percent of the GNP of South Africa and 40 percent of the exports. All the middlemen meant that South Africa was not getting as rich as it might have had the operation been more purely South African. Yet that would have subject to the sanctions that fell on South Africa after breaking the ties to Britain.

In the 1950s, the British saw the writing on the wall and were preparing to turn over the African colonies to local African leaders. To a place like South Africa, with a relatively large number of white residents this was threatening as they did not see black rule as realistic. Unilaterally, South Africa ended Dominion status and declared itself an independent Republic. Only whites voted on this and the measure only carried 52-48. Over time, ever greater international sanctions fell on South Africa in order to pressure them to face the inevitable. South Africa however was by far the richest country in Africa and even their repressed black residents enjoyed a much higher standard of living than black run former colonies to the north. This attracted ever more black Africans to move to South Africa while there was a steady stream of whites out. Eventually a deal was struck and white rule ended.

Ever resourceful de Beers goes on. It had always maintained an official position against white rule and has been generous with new black governments in the area. A new trick is the blood diamond. de Beers announced in 1999 that no diamonds would be sourced from countries in Africa with long running civil wars. This helped delegitimize alternate to de Beers sources of diamonds. The diamonds were supporting long running civil wars in places like Sierra Leonne and Angola but it does seem to be throwing rocks from a glass house.

Well my drink is empty and I am left staring at the majestic diamond on todays stamp. The decision to break with Britain and try to continue alone could not have been easy. They must have been heavily counted on wealth from de Beers, so much of which was syphoned off. The original blood diamond? Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Senegal 1935, A bridge connecting a trading post becomes a symbol of a city

I have covered many colonial stamps, and the record of colonialism is at best mixed. Yet it is hard to argue with making connections. Here we have a bridge that has been doing that for over 100 years. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Today is a bridge in Senegal. One can understand that the level of engineering involved was beyond anything that could have been achieved locally by the natives in 1898. As such, it is one of those rare instances of doing something worth doing and not merely exploitive. Today this bridge still stands and understandably is a symbol of Saint Louis, Senegal. No wonder such an achievement is honored with a stamp. I was hoping to find an indepent Senegal stamp with the bridge, perhaps on the bridges 100th anniversary, but no the postal authorites now seem more into the Paris Dakar Rally.

The stamp today is issue A29, a one cent stamp issued by the French colony of Senegal in 1935. The stamp was part of a 30 stamp issue in various denominations and were issued for many years. If you see a version without the RF that means it was issued by the Vichy French puppet state during World War II and are fake as they were not sold for postage in Senegal. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents whether mint or used.

The city of Saint Louis is at the mouth of the Senegal River on the island of Nadr. Upon arrival of French traders, the island was unoccupied. The French built  first a fortress called Saint Louis and the city grew up around it. It became the capital of the colony when France annexed the mainland. At first there was a ferry system to the island but the colony saw the need for a proper bridge and the colony took out a loan to get the bridge built. Faideherbe Bridge was named after French General and colonial administrator Louis Faideherbe. There is an urban legend that the bridge was designed by Gustave Eifel and used steel sections intended for a bridge in Romania he lost the contract for. The truth is that Eifel’s firm bid on the project but did not win the contract. The bridge has a moveable section to let large ships pass or to deny access to the island.

Saint Louis developed a fairly unique culture as a multi race trading post that was dominated by Creole traders known as Metis. They had an unusually high proportion of females among their ranks. Much of the trading however was dealing in slavery, that went on for several decades after the French had officially abolished it.

Over time the fortunes of Saint Louis declined. The port facilities were inadequate for the then new steamships, and new traders from Bordeaux in France st up rival trade routes out of Dakar, another city further south that also started as an offshore island trade post. In 1902, the capital of French West Africa moved from Saint Louis to Dakar, although the capital of Senegal itself stayed in Saint Louis for a few more years until independence in 1960.

The decline continued post independence. By 2010 the Faidherbe bridge required urgent repairs. The French and Creoles are long gone from Saint Louis, but nevertheless it was up to France to see that the city did not lose the connection to the mainland. France financed the repairs as it had the original construction. How independent is Senegal really if it can not do anything for itself.

Well my drink is empty and so I will open the conversation in the below comment section. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Tristan da Cunha, thanks for stopping, have a potato, do you have any women?

These hardy souls that build a life for themselves on a desolate island. how do they make it. So slip on tour smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

I must confess that I do not have the Tristan stamp I really want. It was more a label and the catalog does not even recognize it. The unit of currency on Tristan was once the potato and there was a stamp with a view of local penguins and denominated in potatoes. The stamps could only go down hill from that. Not for these tiny islands though that can now make some revenue for themselves by selling to the world  a view of their exotic islands. One of the best aspects of the British Commonwealth are these stamp issues. A genuine common wealth as the issues are both the same and different.

Todays stamp is issue A45, a 5 Penny stamp issued by Tristan da Cunha, then a Dependency of the British Crown Colony of St. Helena, on May 22nd, 1981. The stamp displays early maps and charts of Tristan, in this case done by a Captain Denham from 1853, According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents whether mint of cancelled to order. Too low for such a nice stamp!

Tristan da Cunha is named after the Anglicized version of a Portuguese Admiral who first spotted it. It is a small group of volcanic islands in the south Atlantic a thousand miles off of Cape Town, South Africa. The island was a regular stopping point for sailing ships on the India trade. Though far out to sea the islands lay in the currents and had ample fresh water and seals and penguins for food. During the War of 1812, American navy ships used Tristan as a staging point for attacking British shipping. The British were also worried that the French might used Tristan as a staging point to liberate Napoleon who was on somewhat nearby St. Helena. So for a few years there was a detachment of British Royal Marines. After the threat passed, the Marines left but a Corporal, his wife and two children and two stone masons elected to stay. Ships would often stop and in ones and twos, sailors elected to stay. There were occasional voyages to Cape Town to trade and try to recruit wives for the often woman short island. There were no laws and no alchohol but Christianity was practiced and the area became truly multiethnic through the wives recruited. At its peak the island contained 300 people and wheat and potatoes were cultivated. A visit from the Duke of Edinburgh in 1867 saw the main settlement renamed Edinburgh of the Seven Seas in his honor.

The late 19th century saw a string of bad luck. The Suez canal ended ships sailing by Tristan so many fewer stopped. One nearby shipwreck blighted the island with rats that ended the cultivation of wheat. A small boat sent out to greet a passing ship sank at the loss of 15 men. The Cape Colony offered to evacuate the island and give land in the colony but the residents voted to stay. In 1961, the volcano on the island blew and the residents were evacuated to Britain where they were kept together on a military base. A few years later the island was surveyed and Edinburgh of the Seven Seas had survived and again residents voted to return. The island currently has about 250 people and is now administered jointly with St. Helena and Ascension. Britain recently awarded Tristan a British postal code to make it easier for them to order things online. I know you must be thinking that it must be hard to buy things online with potatoes, but they switched to British money after World War II. There is no airport and everything is brought in by sea. In 1967 The Royal yacht Britannia stopped at Tristan allowing the Royal family to see one of the most far flung outposts of Empire.

Tristan da Cuna as seen from the International Space Station

Well my drink is empty and I will salute Tristan islanders as there is no drinks on the island. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Newfoundland 1911, Trying and failing at Dominion status

Newfoundland is a large land mass with a small population that was for centuries dependent on fishing. Trying to figure out how to govern itself or who to affiliate with is a never fully resolved question. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Todays stamp features Queen Mary The new Queen Consort of British King George V at the time of his coronation in 1911. The coronation was not nearly the postage stamp event that was his Silver Jubilee 25 years later, of which I have covered many issues. Here we have a look at the new Royal Family including even child Prince and Princesses, including two future Kings. It can’t be a coincidence that these type of issues emanate from colonies that are debating their future status. I am not sure if the intent of showing families is to be less political or whether the intent is to increase personal affinity for the Royals that may subtly influence political decision making. It may also be that the Royal Family itself may be more interested in a far off colonies continued affiliation than the Home Office of Britain that must write the checks.

Todays stamp is issue A56, a one Cent stamp issued by the British Dominion of Newfoundland on June 19th, 1911. The Coronation of King George V issue comprised 11 stamps of various denominations. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is only worth 25 cents used, by far the lowest value among the issue.

Newfoundland was first spotted by the Vikings but their attempt at a colony did not last. In the 17th and 18th century the area was contested by Britain and France mainly with an eye toward fishing rights. There were at the time vast resources of cod. Eventually a permanent colony got going on shore and the French were content with fishing rights off the North shore during certain seasons. The inhabitants came mainly from Ireland with the then expected rivalries between Catholic and Anglican. Farming was attempted but only minimally successful due to the harsh climate.

The vote to join the Canadian federation failed in 1859. By then Britain wanted to transition their ethnically British colonies to self governing dominions and this status was granted to Newfoundland in 1907, the same year as New Zealand and soon after Australia and South Africa. Dominion status did not go well for Newfoundland. The local government borrowed large amounts of money to invest in railway projects that they hoped would make possible mining and industrialization. Instead it only added a large debt burden. The industrialization was predicated on a hoped for free trade deal with the USA. Teddy Roosevelt was in favor of it but Canada, at Canada’s insistence Britain, and powerful American Senator Henry Cabot Lodge were opposed so the deal never happened.

This left Newfoundland still dependent on fishing and when the market price for cod tanked during the Depression, Newfoundland was bankrupt. Newfoundland petitioned to return to colony status which was granted and British monetary help followed. Newfoundland was the only Dominion to return to British Colony status.

The Lend Lease Act of 1940 granted USA access to British bases including on Newfoundland. The resulting construction was a big boom on Newfoundland. This made Canada very nervous as they worried that the Colony might change it’s alliegience to the USA. In the late 40s, Newfoundland was allowed to vote on independence or joining Canada, the choice of closer ties to the USA was not offered. Canada won the vote 52-48. The relationship with Canada is far from smooth. Canada banned fishing over environmental concerns  while also allowing offshore drilling of oil as that revenue goes 70 percent to the federal government. In addition hydroelectric facilities that mainly benefit Quebec have been exploited in Labrador. Meanwhile Newfoundland remains Canada’s poorest province and still faces the ever present issue of out migration that has plagued Newfoundland since the Vikings.

Queen Mary was the only British Princess of her era not to be from Queen Victoria’s direct line. as such she was obvious mairrage material for the male Royal line. She first announced engagement to George V’s older brother Albert, who died a few months later from the flu. A year later she became engaged to future King George V. She outlived him becoming Queen Mother. She outlived George VI and died at 85 a few weeks before Queen Elizabeth II’s Coronation in 1953.

Well my drink is empty and I will pour perhaps several more to toast the hardy residents of Newfoundland. I enjoyed a trip to Newfoundland in 2001 and found them quite friendly. I had some trouble understanding them as their accent owes much to Gallic, something I have never noticed in Ireland itself. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Norway 1939, An old church stamp that both sides can live with

A church from the middle ages does not engender controversy. Even from governments as far apart as Norway’s two governments of 1940. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Germany invaded Norway in 1940. Norway resisted and the Prime Minister and King fled Oslo to avoid falling into German hands. They escaped to Britain and continued to issue stamps, now mainly to raise revenue. The Quisling government than canceled all earlier stamps except this issue and began issuing their own. In 1945, after the war the old government came back and in turn declared the Quisling stamp issues invalid. In 1981, the postal service revisited the issue and declared all the issues of whatever government to be official Norway stamps. This church stamp and the others of the issue retained their legitimacy, but by avoiding politics they were perhaps all the stamps Norway needed during that troubled period.

Todays stamp is issue A26, a 20 Ore stamp issued by Norway on January 16th, 1939. It displayed ancient Borgund Stave Church, and was part of a three stamp issue in various denominations. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 25 cents used.

The time between the wars saw many coalition governments with no single party achieving a majority. Eventually in 1935, the less radical offshoot of the Socialists was able to form a coalition government with the Center Agrarian party that allowed the Socialists to get their agenda moving. In the late thirties the country was able to enact unemployment insurance and old age pensions. What it left undone was to prepare the country’s military forces for the coming World War. After all, Norway intended neutrality in any war.

Opposing the Socialist among others was former military man and diplomat Vidkun Quisling. He had gained some fame working with famous Norwegian Artic explorer Nansen exposing 1920s calamities such as the plight of the Armenians in Turkey and famines in the Soviet Union. Quisling had not however been able to attract many votes to his far right political party. He had come to the attention of Hitler however and Hitler had hoped to force King Haakon to appoint Quisling Prime Minister after Norway was occupied peacefully. Instead Norway resisted, the King fled and Quisling was left to announce his coup over the radio. He was ignored by the Norway Army and even the Germans at first but ended up forming a German puppet government. Resistance soon collapsed and the government was in London. Norway was fairly peaceful during the war with the Allies never seriously undermining German rule and Quisling never able to form the Norwegian Legion he hoped could fight beside Germany and make Norway more an ally and less a puppet. After the wars end, the King returned and appointed a new coalition government that included all parties except Quisling. Quisling understood he was going to be shot by the old government but thought over time he would be seen as a patriot  and another Saint Olav. He was right about being shot after a trial in 1945, but instead his name has become synonymous all over the world with scheming and traitorous collaboration.

The Borgund stave church was built around 1200AD. It had a stone foundation that helped it last and tall staves(wooden posts) that allowed for it’s unique appearance. The appearance was copied much later by other churches in Norway, Germany, and two replicas in the USA. At first the church was Catholic but with the rest of Norway became Lutheran. In 1868, Borgund built a larger church next door and the old church was preserved as a museum. It no longer hosts services. The church was honored with another stamp in 1978.

Well my drink is nearly empty and I will use the last sip to toast the long history of Borgund stave Church. Norwegians must love it, whatever their politics. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Cayman Islands 1935, one group of Caribbean islands avoids poverty by breaking away and staying a colony

As Native Americans are discovering, the autonomy granted their areas can lead to business opportunities. This gaming of the system can raise a people up when there is in fact little inborn proclivity to industry. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Todays stamp was from English King George V Silver Jubilee stamp issue of 1935. All of the colonies and dominions celebrated with commemorative stamp issues. The issues really are brilliantly put together. A standard portrait of George V with maps and sights from the still far flung Empire. The issue was so successful that it was copied by later Monarchs up to Elizabeth II. There is a whole group of stamp collectors that try to collect the full set of colonial issues of a specific Monarch, George V is getting quite expensive, but George VI is more doable, Elizabeth II issues are just too numerous with her long reign. While most colonies are still in the British Commonwealth, I don’t think Prince Charles will be able to pull off such a grand stamp issue when he ascends the throne. The sad part for the hobby is that the idea of it will probably not occur to him. The Cayman issue is slightly different than some other colonies as more birds and turtles are shown than bridges or port facilities. This is part of the genius of the stamp issue, by being both standardized and yet showing the character of the individual colony.

Todays stamp is issue A8, a 1/4 Penny stamp issue of the Cayman Islands, then run as a dependency of the then Crown Colony of Jamaica. Imagine the value proposition of being able to send a letter for just a quarter of a penny, but Grand Cayman is a small island. The stamp was part of a 12 stamp issue in various denominations celebrating the 25th anniversary of the beginning of George V’s Reign. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 60 cents mint. The value doubles if the stamp is used. The 1930s were the pinnacle of stamp collecting and this was one of the great stamp issues. The downside is that the high demand meant many more copies were printed than needed for postal use.

The Cayman Islands were uninhabited until the 17 century when escaped veterans of Oliver Cromwell’s army set up a community. A treaty between Britain and Spain secured the islands for Britain. The islands were administered by the colonial authority in nearby Jamaica. African slaves were brought in but not in the numbers as most Caribbean islands. After a failed West Indies Federation, Jamaica was set for independence. Independence usually meant the flight of British, Indian, and Chinese residents who simply were not welcome by the now in control black majority. Cayman decided to stay a colony and the protections of the British colonial institutions. This kept the islands diverse demographically.

There was still the problem of economic development. Here the continued colonial status paid big dividends. Sir Vassel Johnson was the first Financial Secretary of the colony after the break from Jamaica and designed the financial system to be a tax haven. The islands themselves were tax free and therefore tax evasion was not a crime. Banks had no requirement to report ownership of accounts. The government is funded by tariffs on imported goods. The tax free status lead to a proliferation of banks and other corporations in the islands. The islands are home to more corporations than people and that has resulted in a top 10 in the world per capita GNP. The island hosts more guest workers than natives and is in the process of forming a coast guard to ward off migrants. A far cry from the poverty and misery of nearby now independent Jamaica.

The world organizations of course resent tax havens but again here the colonial status pays off. Caymaners can rightly say that their foreign relations are handled by the Queen Elisabeth II, the head of state. The Queen can then honestly say that her subjects on Cayman are self governing and it is not her place to interfere with that. That does not mean that there is no corruption. The current Speaker of the Assembly was elected despite being arrested for misuse of government credit cards in Las Vegas when Premier. In 2018, the British appointed governor had to be recalled to London after being drunk, bullying staff, beating his wife, and demanding shirtless massages from a young maid in the Governor’s mansion. He had just been appointed with some fanfare as he was of Bangladeshi rather than British heritage. I assume there was less fanfare at having him back in London.

Well my drink is empty and I have yet to receive a government credit card to pay for another round. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Switzerland 1979, A country of many languages host a Congress for Esperanto, that proposes to replace them all

In the 19th century, there was an internationalist movement toward standardization of things like weights and measures, and even languages. The hope was that it would make the world more peaceful by different people having more in common. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.

Neutral, rich, picturesque Switzerland. What a great place to hold international conferences. Not just for the attendees but for the country. The conference recognized on todays stamp attracted over 1600 people for 8 days of activities. The hot air balloon on the stamp suggests that all waking hours were not filled with business. Conferences like this bring a lot of money into in this case Lucerne. The conferences often also bring important personages to town, for the benefit of all. I wonder how many locals in Lucerne were inspired to take up the study of Esperanto.

Todays stamp is issue A277, a 70 Centimes stamp issued by Switzerland on February 21, 1979. It publicized the annual World Esperanto Congress being held that July in Lucerne. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth 70 cents used.

The language of Esperanto was the work of Polish ophthalmologist L.L. Zamenhof. His work grew out of an earlier effort of his to standardize Yiddish. He soon expanded his efforts to construct a universalist language that would be simple to learn and incorporated aspects of Hebrew, Latin, and German. He dispensed with verb conjugation, He also attached adverbs and adjectives to the noun as is done in German. The alphabet is a simplified Latin. This achieved a shorter alphabet and many fewer words. The hope was that it would replace French as the language of diplomacy and make literacy more achievable by new countries starting out with public education. The language achieved many adherents and was an official language for a part of Belgium(Moresnet) that was jointly administered by the Dutch and the Prussians. Shah era Iran was also a big user and the type of country that was rapidly trying to expand literacy. The League of Nations in 1935 suggested Esperanto as a second language of instruction for member countries. Dr. Zamenhof was repeatedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Esperanto became most common among Eastern European and Soviet Communists, who were heavily Jewish in the interwar period. As such opposition popped up. France felt the language was a challenge to French being the language of diplomacy. Hitler was dismissive of Esperanto, saying it was just a method of uniting Jewish diaspora around the world. He banned the teaching of the language in Germany. In 1937 there was a more unexpected blow. Stalin declared it a language of spies and banned its use. This was during his purges and many Jews were targeted at the time.

Post war the language has continued to lose momentum. There are still annual congresses and the United Nations has repeated the suggestion that member states teach Esperanto as a second language. The fact that is a secondary language to all it’s users means that even after a hundred years there has been little reversion to slang as is otherwise common. In 2017 a new smartphone app called Amikumu was launched that helped find nearby speakers of a certain language. The first language it started with was Esperanto.

Well my drink is empty and I will pour another to toast Switzerland. A country with three languages might think that was enough and some thought Esperanto abandoned Switzerland while  the organization avoided Hitler and Stalin. Yet still they hosted the conference and thought it important enough for a stamp issue, always a high honor. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.


Tajikistan 1998, since former Soviet republics don’t put out enough topicals, heres a fake

I should have known this would be fake. Tajikistan puts out many stamps, but it has even more issues that it has declared illegal. So any Tajik readers I have may want to stop reading now. I wouldn’t want to tempt you with forbidden fruit or dogs. So besides Tajiks, slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from the today fake Philatelist.

Todays stamp features a German Sheppard and a Dalmatian. Tajikistan is spelled correctly in both English and Tajik. The currency is presented without detail but many Tajik real stamps also did it that way. The cancelation to order looks standard Soviet farm out. Yet Tajikistan topicals tend to cats, fish, and airliners. No dogs. Among fake issues banned are topicals featuring cartoon characters, The English Queen Mother, and Osama bin Laden, hopefully all not on the same souvenir sheet. Who buys this stuff? There are actually people in the world who take the time to carefully design and print stamps from small countries without authorization. With the hobby shrinking like it is, how can it still happen.

The stamp claims to be from 1998 but is not in the catalog so I can give no estimate of value. A realish 1997 stamp with a cat is valued at $2.00. A real stamp from 1998 Tajikistan featuring academic Bobojon Ghaferov is down at 30 cents. One could perhaps learn something of Tajikistan by reading up on Mr. Ghaferov. but from values it is obvious people would rather look at cute cat pictures on stamps that nobody mails.

Tajikistan got it’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. It was one of the poorest areas of the Soviet Union. In the 1950s, Soviet Leader Khrushchev attacked the problem of low food production with a virgin land campaign that sought to put under cultivation land not previously used in places like Tajikistan. The effort  had very little success as the climate was too dry and the soil too poor without fertilizers, which the Soviets were short of.

Tajikistan was heavily Muslim and soon after independence a civil war started with the goal of ethnically cleansing the area of non Tajik Soviets, especially Jews. The Russians responded with Speznas troops that were able to install a former electrician and labor leader Emonali Sharipovich Rahmononov as President for life. He dutifully changed his name to sound less Soviet and often emphasizes his Muslim religious beliefs. At the same time, he has banned beards, burkas, Arabic sounding names, Soviet sounding names, and loudspeaker calls to prayer. This he says allows the more unique to Tajikistan culture to flourish. The war in nearby Afghanistan has proved lucrative, as Tajikistan shares a border and therefore is useful to route military supplies through. Russian troops have been invited back in to help secure that border.

Tajikistan does not lack for stamps that portray the country as it desires to be seen. Yet all that gets out our topicals aimed at the young and young at brain. Hopefully local collectors will preserve these stamps so future generations of stamp collectors will have a guide to what Tajikistan was like. Come again tomorrow for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.