There are not many Monarchs left in the world with absolute power. Unlimited oil and gas wealth would seem to keep the lights on and internal opposition to a minimum. Absolute Monarchs still have families though, in this case a rather tacky little brother. So slip on your smoking jacket, fill your pipe, take your first sip of your adult beverage, and sit back in your most comfortable chair. Welcome to todays offering from The Philatelist.
The current Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, assumed the Throne over tiny Brunei in 1967. His rule continues at age 76. The Protectorate status with Great Britain ended in 1984, so 1985 was a great time for a new issue of bulk mail stamps with the Sultan front and center. A western style dress military uniform done up with crazy fun amounts of gold trim and topped by a fez, so time to get the party started.
Todays stamp is issue A60, a 40 Sen stamp issued by the Sultanate of Brunei on December 23rd, 1985. It was a twelve stamp issue in various denominations. According to the Scott catalog, the stamp is worth an appropriate 40 cents used.
The Sultan really is an absolute ruler. In addition to his Royal title, he is also the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, the Defender of the local Muslim Faith, and Minister of Finance. The buck would seem to stop with the Sultan. There is however the thorny issue of younger brother Jefri.

The business man of the family, Jefri was charged with investing the billions of Brunei’s sovereign wealth fund. There were a few assets like a chain of luxury international hotels Jefri could point to, but there also seemed a pile of debt. The Sultan was forced to start legal cases around the world to seize assets and accounts of Jefri. The brothers had seemed to work it out in 2000, with Jefri voluntarily transferring back some assets in return for no further prosecution and not having to change his lifestyle. This agreement later fell apart as naughty Jefri failed to come clean about all his accounts. The Brunei Sovereign Wealth Fund again had to try again to start reclaim assets.
Jefri remember had that out about his lifestyle. A haram of five wives that he gradually whittled down via divorce. There was an additional palace that contained 25 women paid $20,000 a week for their services. Among them were a Miss USA that didn’t sue him, another that did. Apparently she had thought her duties for the 20k would just be candy striping at the local hospital. Another girl struck it big by writing a memoir of her time at the palace, Some Girls, My life in a Harem.

Next to the concubine palace was a giant parking complex housing Jefri’s exotic car collection. You would think this would be easy to seize however none of the cars are properly titled or able to obtain export certificates. They are now mainly rotting undriven in Brunei’s jungle climate. Previous management at Rolls Royce joked that if the Monarch is overthrown he hopes that the car park is torched as all the cars hitting the used car market would tank values. There was also a more recent controversy over Jefri having statues commissioned of him and a new “fiancé” having sex. The penalty for that in Brunei is stoning to death, so perhaps not something to be memorialized in gold leaf.

Well my drink is empty and drinking is not allowed in Brunei. Come again soon for another story that can be learned from stamp collecting.